Hi everyone,
In yesterday’s class we started talking about “role models” – people who we look up to, respect and who we wish to emulate (imitate, copy, try to be like, follow their example/lead). When we talked about who your role models are, you mentioned past teachers, family members, and also “public figures” such as sports stars. Indeed, public figures and celebrities are often held up as role models. But, what happens when these so called role models are "rocked by scandal" and "fall from grace" – just like Tiger Woods (with the acquisitions extra-martial affairs), “Noripii” (with her recent drug scandals) and Kusanagi (with his drunken naked romp in the park). I want to hear your opinions about “fallen stars”. Should we stop admiring stars who have fallen from grace, or should we not even look up to them in the first place? And what about companies – should they stop commercials and advertisements which feature these fallen stars? What do YOU think?
If you have time, check out this article and video news story:
In yesterday’s class we started talking about “role models” – people who we look up to, respect and who we wish to emulate (imitate, copy, try to be like, follow their example/lead). When we talked about who your role models are, you mentioned past teachers, family members, and also “public figures” such as sports stars. Indeed, public figures and celebrities are often held up as role models. But, what happens when these so called role models are "rocked by scandal" and "fall from grace" – just like Tiger Woods (with the acquisitions extra-martial affairs), “Noripii” (with her recent drug scandals) and Kusanagi (with his drunken naked romp in the park). I want to hear your opinions about “fallen stars”. Should we stop admiring stars who have fallen from grace, or should we not even look up to them in the first place? And what about companies – should they stop commercials and advertisements which feature these fallen stars? What do YOU think?
If you have time, check out this article and video news story:
It depends on what the star did. The more the star commits a heavy crime (murder, drug, an act of violence…), the less people look up to him/her.
返信削除If a star commits a crime, it cannot be helped that he/she wouldn’t be able to preserve his/her honor, but the person’s glorious achievement in the past should continue to be evaluated, I think. For example, famous American singer, Michael Jackson was suspected of infant maltreatment, but even so his music is very wonderful, and stop listening to his music for this scandal is ridiculous and wasteful, I think.
And companies should stop commercials and advertisements which feature these fallen stars. Appoint the person who has a criminal record to publicity damaged the image of the company.
Hi this is Tomohiro.
返信削除I think Yu's attitude toward famous works is very interesting and exactly right. I believe the value of good works will not change if anything happens.
Scandals or bad mistakes can bring disgrace to the person’s reputation, but I think people who commited scandals or terrible mistakes still have chances to get back their honor, and personally, I want to expect people who made big mistakes to reestablish their honor. I think, committing scalnds and experiencing hard time, people can have stronger spirit than ever bofore. Noriko Sakai, for example, made apologies for her drug scandal and diceded to enter a college and study nursing. As ever as she makes efforts, I will admire her.
Stars’ scandals not only cause the downfall of him or her own reputation, but also cause the big damages to the image of the companies that do comercials or advertisements about the stars, so it seems not wrong to stop all advertisements of them.
Hi, this is Mayumi.
返信削除Yuu and Tomohiro's opinion is very interesting.
I agree with Yuu. I also think it depends on what the star did. If the star kill other person or use violence for other person, I will not able to respect the star.
However I think human probably do some mistakes and stars are also humam as same as ours. So If star do some crime and after that reflect on having done that and apologize that I want to continue to respect the star. And the good vlaue of their works will not change.
For the companies, they should stop advertisments and commercials which feature these fallen stars. They shouldn't report exaggeratedly.
Hi,this is Daiki.
返信削除Each of three people's idea sounds interesting.
I personally think we shouldn't stop admiring them.First everyone can make serious mistakes regardless of he or she is an able person,so I think the most important thing is how they fix them.I also think it is not until they become fallen stars that they can really understand ow others feel,because media will hurt these stars in many ways.After overcoming these difficulties,everyone will more respect these stars than they used to be.
On the other hand companies which feature stars stop advertizing till these stars get back to the top level.
All of your opinions are good, especially Yuu. Because I don’t have the idea that it depends on what the star did.
返信削除Respecting a celebrity who caused the scandal is not a problem because I think respect means not only looking up to good point of the person but also bad point (we tend to respect all their personality.)
Celebrities are special jobs and they contribute to society. Therefore, although they made crimes, the media should correctly report that and the man should apologize.
Otherwise, people think the crime is not a bad thing, and there is a danger that the number of imitative criminals is occurring.
On the other hand, many people would become not favorite the stars due to the scandal.
So, the company which features fallen stars should stop the advertisements and commercials. Actually, most company doing so.If they don’t do that, there is danger of decreasing to earnings of the company because of the star's image.
Hello. This is Yoko. I read comments and it is very interesting.
返信削除I think it depends on who is my role-model.
For example, my role-models are my English teacher when I was a Sundai student and my grandfather. I know them very well and to talk with them a lot. Mr.Yamada taught me how important to learn and communicate with other languages. And my grandfather also taught me a lot.And I wish I was like him. If they did something bad, I will respect them.
However, if he was a famouse star and I didn't know the man well and I did't meet and talk with him. After he did something bad,I could not look up him.
I agree with everyone.
返信削除It depends on case, but basically I think we should not stop admiring stars who have fallen from grace. Also, we should give them a chance to start over because everyone can make a mistake.
What we should not to do is like swallowing the news without wondering if it is true or blowing the incidents out of proportion because it can disgrace star’s honor excessively.
So we should be careful not to do such a thing easily.
Besides, I think companies should stop commercials and advertisements which feature these fallen stars if they need. They have the right to save a profit.
This is Toru.
返信削除I read every comments.
My opinion is similar to Tomohiro's.
I focus on media advertisements and commercials because I am interested in broadcast. Once celebrities make the scandals,companies should stop commercials and advertisements not to fall the values of products which is advertised.
Actually,it depends on what the scandals are. I think ,however,companies should stop them. The scale of cases are unrelated. Even if it is a small scandal,it can be troublesome for some people.
I think that restarting them after the commotion is put down is good except for the case which is the most people never forgive the scandal.
返信削除I think we cause some scandals and blunders even if we are role models.
There is no saying it.
So, the true nature of the problems is not causing them but how to fix or make up theirs from now.
For Noripi,now she has to expiate the crime about drug. But she may be role moedels like before in 10 yeas or 20yeas latyer.
Because in Japan there are some entertainers singers comedians who have the previous offenses ,and who are admired and look up.
That is why we should not stop to admire them such reasons.
The role model need not be always role models.
Good night.
Hi,I'm Haruki.
返信削除I'm sorry for late to write in it.
I read everyone's comments, and it is interesting for me to know your thought about role model.
Whatever the role model did, He exist on my mind as the role model. Maybe...For me, I would regard him as a negative example if he commits bad manegement.
Even if this means changing, my model is never changed.
Hi, this is Tohma.
返信削除I almost agree with everyone.
I think it depends on the dgree of misstep. If it is error, I don't care about it.
But I won't be able to believe when they do wrong things such as drags and illegal behavior even though they know it's injustice.
I must be shocked when my role models make a terrible misktake. And I think it takes a long time to acknowledge the fact that they did.