Hi everyone, and welcome to Practical English. I’m looking forward to our classes together, and hope that you find the classes useful and rewarding. While I have had some of you in my classes last year, there are many of you who I have not taught before. So, in order to get to know you all a bit better I thought it would be nice to play a quick game of “2 Truths 1 Lie”. Do you know this game? In this game you must share three *very interesting* things about yourself, but 1 of these things should be a lie. Everybody then must try to guess which 2 things are true and which is the lie. So… your homework for this week is to write “2 truths” and “1 lie” about yourself. Then, I want you to read your classmates “truths and lies” and try to guess which is the lie. You should also give a reason for why you think it is a lie. Next week, please let us know the answer via this blog – and give us a bit of an explanation too. So here are my “2 Truths and 1 Lie”. Try to guess which is the lie!!

Looking forward to reading your entries,
Hi, this is Tohma.
返信削除Here are my 2 Truths and 1 LIe.
1. I tell you a truth. I am Brazilian of Japanese orgin.
10 years ago I was naturalized in Japan. So, my official name is Tohma Robert Hara in English.
2.I was good at juggling the ball well enough.
When I was 13, I could juggle the ball for the 2000th time in a row.
3.My grandfather is an English interpreter. So, I have been taught English by him since I graduated from junior high school.
Hi,I'm mayumi.
返信削除Please find a lie.
1.When I was little I had a hamster and he ran away from a basket of my bicycle in spite of keep a hamster on a rope while I went to my friend's home.
2.When I was little I caught many jellyfish using a scoop net and I piled that in a sandy beach.
3.About one years ago while I waited a bus, I was asked the way in English from foreigner.
Somehow I went shopping with the foreigner and I enjoyed talking with the foreigner in English.
Hi, this is Satoru.
返信削除Can you find a lie?
1, I am going to travel around "Shikoku" on foot this year.
2, I had lived in America for two years when I was a child.
3, When I went swimming, I thought I was dying.
Hi, this is Tomohiro.
返信削除I think no one can find a lie.
1, When I was 8 years old and still on the practice of Karate, I gave one of my friends a heavy blow toward his head with flying knee kick and he was taken into the hospital.
2, When I was a little child, I was run over by a car and taken into the hospital. fortunately, I was not so hurt.
3, When I was in the kindergarten, I escaped from there but captured by teachers when I was walking around the town.
Hi,I'm Daiki.
返信削除I'd like to tell you three things about myself.
1,I've been absorbed in reading books since I got into this college.Now,I'm reading HAMLET which was written by William Shakespeare.
2,I went to the U.S. when I was 8 years old.
I couldn't speak English at all then,so I communicated with local people trough my mother who had been working as a interpreter for twenty years.
3,I like soccer very much and I'm very good at juggling a soccer ball. When I was 13 years old, I could do it 3,000 times or more.
There is 1 lie here. Can you find it?
Hi, I am Masayoshi SUZUKI.
返信削除Here is my three things about myself.
1.In fact I am good at getting up early.Even if I stay up late last night ,I can get up early next day.
2.To tell the truth I have never been to Kokura.My friends suggest me to go to Kokura.
But I am afraid of Kokura.
3.In reality I have a dream which is opening my OKONOMIYAKI restaurant. I am from Hiroshima.I grew up with Okonomiyaki.
Can you find it?
Hi,I am Yuu Satou.
返信削除Can you notice a lie?
1.In my room there is no a TV so I haven't been watch any broadcast since I entered this scool.
2.I can't eat "sushi".
3.I haven't a memory of before I was 10 years old.
Please make a guess!
Hi,I'm miya.
返信削除Can you find a lie?
1.Last Sunday, I fell down and hurt myself.
2.I don't like Shimonoseki too much.
3.I have three part-time jobs.
Hi,I'm Terumi.
返信削除Let me introduction myself.
1.I have been guided at Peace Memorial Park when I was high school student.
2.The truth is that ,my picture is on a textbook for junior high school.
3.I have killifish more than 50.
Hello!I'm Yoko.
返信削除1.I am a member of Kendo club.However,When I was a junior high school students I was a member of track and field club.
2.I have lived in CANADA when I was a child.
3.Last Sunday, I was in Mathuyama.
Hi!I'm Toru Tanaka.
返信削除I almost forgot this homework(;一_一)
1. I have been using cell phone since junior high school days and I have ever used 3 cell ohones which color is red,white and yellow one.
2. when I was high chool student,I was dancing Soranbushi.I have been to many place to perform it.
3. I am from shimane and I like shimane very much because there are beautiful sea and we can see a lot of stars in the sky at night.
Hello!! I'm Haruki.
返信削除I'm sorry for delaying my comment.
1. I am 21 years old.
2. My teacher of cram school is a relative of Mr. Inaba who is a vocalin of B 'z.
3. I was working as a part-time job at the reception desk at the hotel.
My best regards.
Kris; I think that No.1 is a lie because I've never met anyone has a live crocodile.
返信削除Masayoshi: I know you hate getting up early, so I can easily say No.1 is a lie.
Haruki; I guess No.2 is a lie. If it is a truth, I want to have his autograph.
Youko; No.2 is a lie, isn't it? I haven't heard such a thing from you.
Terumi; I guess No.3 is a lie. More than 50 is too many.
Tohma; No.1 / Mayumi; No.2 / Tomohiro; No.2 / Daiki; No.2 / Yuu; No.3 / Miya; No.3 / Toru: No.2
Hi, this is Tomohiro
返信削除Tohma, I believe 2 is your lie. I've never seen you juggling a ball. If it is true, please do it next English class.
Mayumi. I think 2 is your lie. I just thought so.
Kubo, I think 3 is a lie. You seem to be good at swimming.
Daiki, I think 3 is a lie. Because the sentense is shortest.
Masayoshi, I think 1 is a lie. I guess you are the last person who can get up early in the morning.
Yu, I think 1 is a lie. I think you have many friends so you can watch TV at friend's home.
Miya, I think 1 is a lie. Becuase I saw you screaming "I love Shimonoseki". But, maybe just my imagination.
Tell me(Terumi), I think 2 is a lie. Because the sentense begins with "The truth is that". I think it is doubtfull.
Yoko, I think 2 is a lie. I think you would lived in America rather than Canada. And I also think you like America.
Toru, I think 2 is a lie. Because I saw you in America, you were dancing waltz in a bar.
Haruki, I think 1 is a lie. You seem to have lived more, at least one century.
Hi! I'm Toru!
返信削除I saw through your lie.
Kris:No.3 I think 8 pets are too many to raise.
Tihma:No.1 You are typically Japanese,aren't you?
Mayumi:No.2 I think it's kind of you so you couldn't do it.
Satoru:No.1 It's too hard to travl around "Shioku" on foot.
Tomohiro:No.3 You couldn't do so because you are a person who gets lonely easily.
Daiki:No.1 I think you are reading another book now.
Masoyoshi:No.1 When you came to my home before,you were sleeping until afternoon!
Yuu:No.3 I can't believe what you said!
Miya:No.3 I think that having three part time jobs are too tough.
Terumi:No.3 We seldom see killifish in the rivers or pounds these days.
Yoko:No.1 Actually,you are a menber of "Kendo club"now.But I think you were not belong to "track and field club".
Haruki:No.1 I think you are 20years old.