Hey guys,
Thanks for sharing your “2 truths and 1 lie”. But, they were so good, that I’m having a lot of trouble deciding what your lies are!! But, I’ll try anyway. So, for this week’s homework, I want you to read everyone’s truths and lies, and decide which is their lie. If you can, please also include a brief explanation as to why you think it is a lie. Even though next Wednesday is a holiday (29th April), I want you to complete this homework by then. Finally, I want you to post your answer (i.e. which one was your lie) by 6th May. I know this is a holiday, but I think this homework is easy, fun and won’t take too much time. So, please do it by then. Okay, so here are my guesses!! Sorry if they are wrong!!
Tohma: Hmmm… this is very difficult. I’m going to guess number 1 (that you are Brazilian Japanese). This is because you kind of look like you can juggle, and you like English, so maybe you were influenced by your grandfather? But, if number 1 is true, I think that’s pretty cool.
Mayumi: Hmm… again difficult, but I will guess number 2. This is because I HATE jellyfish, and I think that no one would enjoy scooping up jellyfish!!
Satoru: Hmmm… I’m going to go for number 1. This is because I think you are too busy with your part-time job to walk around Shikoku!! But if you are, again, that’s pretty cool.
Tomohiro: I’m confident with this one. I think number 1 is your lie. Because I don’t think you have been learning karate since you were so young!!
Daiki: Hmmm… this one is difficult, but I’m going to say number 3. I think you might be able to juggle a soccer ball, but “3000 or more times” sounds impossible to me!
Masayoshi: Hmmm… I’m not quite sure about this one. But, I’m going to say number 2. You seem like a confident guy, so I’m going to guess that you wouldn’t be afraid of going to Kokura.
Yuu: This one is very difficult!!! I’m going to say number 2 – that you can’t eat sushi. Maybe you have an allergy, or maybe you don’t like raw fish???
Miya: Hmmm… I hope number 3 is your lie. Three part-time jobs is TOO MUCH!!
Terumi: Hmmm… this one is tricky. But I’m going to say number 3. I’m not sure exactly what a “killifish” is, but 50 sounds impossible!
Yoko: Hmmm… this one is also difficult. But I’m going to go with number 3. Maybe you went to Fukuoka, not Matsuyama, last Sunday??!!
Toru: Hmmm… is your lie number 1?? Changing your mobile phone 3 times sounds like it would cost a lot of money. Maybe you have only had 2 mobile phones???
Haruki: Please share your 2 truths and 1 lie!!!!!!!!
Don’t forget to guess my lie too!!
Have a good week!!
Blog Homework 1: 2 Truths and 1 Lie
Hi everyone, and welcome to Practical English. I’m looking forward to our classes together, and hope that you find the classes useful and rewarding. While I have had some of you in my classes last year, there are many of you who I have not taught before. So, in order to get to know you all a bit better I thought it would be nice to play a quick game of “2 Truths 1 Lie”. Do you know this game? In this game you must share three *very interesting* things about yourself, but 1 of these things should be a lie. Everybody then must try to guess which 2 things are true and which is the lie. So… your homework for this week is to write “2 truths” and “1 lie” about yourself. Then, I want you to read your classmates “truths and lies” and try to guess which is the lie. You should also give a reason for why you think it is a lie. Next week, please let us know the answer via this blog – and give us a bit of an explanation too. So here are my “2 Truths and 1 Lie”. Try to guess which is the lie!!

Looking forward to reading your entries,
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