
Homework 4: What do YOU think?

Hi everyone,

I hope you enjoyed today's class and group discussion activity. And thank you once again for sharing your truths and lies. I really enjoyed reading them!

Okay, in this week's blog homework I'd like you to think a bit more about the types of living situations you don't mind, and those that you can't stand. In particular, I'd like you to practice the "agreeing" and "disagreeing" phrases introduced in the textbook (and of course any other phrases that you know). So, below are some of my ideas. Please respond (agree or disagree) with one of these, and share your reasons and thoughts. Or, you can respond to one of your classmates' ideas. I'm looking forward to reading your comments.

2. I definitely don't want to live in a neighbourhood with a lot of crime. I don't want to live in a neighbourhood where I feel scared to walk alone at night.

3. Personally, I couldn't care less if my house has bad Feng Shui. I don't believe in that rubbish.

4. I think it would be awkward to live in the same building - let alone the same floor - as my ex.

5. I think it's more important to live in a house that is safe, than to save a few bucks.

6. There is NO WAY I would live in an area with poisonous spiders. In Australia, where I'm from, there are SO many poisonous spiders. I hate them and they freak me out. I wouldn't be able to relax if I knew that spiders were around.

(these are all from page 16 of the class textbook)

Please share your ideas before next week's class (preferably by Tuesday so I can read them before the next class). Have a great week!



Homework 3: Lier lier pants on fire!!

Hi everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your Golden Week holiday. Personally, I haven't been doing much at all. Just staying at home, doing some reading and watching a few DVDs. Have you seen the American Drama series "Dr House"? I watched the first few episodes yesterday... I didn't think it was so interesting, but my friend did. Anyway, I hope you are enjoying your break.

So, down to the matter at hand. I have really enjoyed reading everyone's truths and lies, and everyone's lie guesses. So, now for the last stage in this homework activity. Please let us know what your lie was!!

Well, my lie was number 2 - that I have seen Arnold Schwarzenegger!! I did go to San Francisco in 2007, and I saw many things like the Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman's Wharf. But, unfortunately, I didn't see Arnold Schwarzenegger! Number 1 - that I held a live crocodile when I was little - is true! When I was about 7 years old I went to a reptile zoo during the summer holiday and held a BABY crocodile, which had it's mouth tied shut with some rope!! I actually have a photo of this somewhere. If I can find it I will show you during class. And number 3 - that I had 8 pet guinea pigs - is also true. When I was in primary school my brother and I had 2 pet guinea pigs. We thought they were both females, but actually 1 was female and 1 was male, and well, they had 6 babies!! We didn't keep all 8 guinea pigs - we gave some away to friends - but at one stage we did have 8 pet guinea pigs!!

Okay, so that was my lie and 2 truths. I'm looking forward to hearing your answers!!

See you in class next week,

p.s. Sorry for the delay in writing this article.